So you have some random null
values passed over to internal PHP function for non-null params? Well you are in trouble in PHP 8.1 and even more trouble when PHP 9 would pop in.
Read morePHP 8.1 – Deprecation when you pass NULL to non-null param
JavaScript, JAVA, PHP, Android, CSS/HTML
So you have some random null
values passed over to internal PHP function for non-null params? Well you are in trouble in PHP 8.1 and even more trouble when PHP 9 would pop in.
Read morePHP 8.1 – Deprecation when you pass NULL to non-null param
Limit your variables with pre-selected values setup by using new scalar type of enum
and by as cool and fun as JAVA or C# developers!
For plain float
type of variables or float being marked as string, there will be thrown a PHP Deprecation about potential data loss.
Read morePHP 8.1 – New Warning being throw when converting float to int
Format your date with local date structure to combine different format and pattern for full date via new class ` IntlDatePatternGenerator
and methods like: getBestPattern()
Combine two or more types of classes (or array
) to be required by the class property, local variable or a return type of the function.
Here is a list of all deprecated functions and things in latest PHP 8.1.
You won’t be able to initialize array from falsy values any more this include: only false values and nothing else.
Finally we have a Release Candidate v4 for PHP 8.1. What have changed? and what’s got added new? But mainly what did they decided to drop from the language? Read this and surprise your boss/team with super sweet knowledge of new technologies!
Read moreCOMPLETE list of changes in PHP 8.1 – Features & Deprecations – Overview, October 2021
It’s early December 2020 and yes we have received a stable new major version of PHP8. Is it good? better than v7? The hell is that JIT and how easy is to swap your v7 application? Well don’t go anywhere and read this article my PHP developer…
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